


国際交流センター センター長 大髙 敏男

 Japan has friendly relations with many countries throughout the world. We respect the peoples of the world, their culture, history and climate, and we cooperate with them as part of the international community. In recent years, the world’s expectations in regard to Japan have been growing. Moreover, Japan has been called on to be actively involved in the fields of politics, economics, culture, industrial technology and so on. For example, Japan’s role is becoming more and more important in international exchange through sport and resolving global issues typified by global warming, as well as in such areas as disaster prevention education, technical support and economic support. Universities are required to nurture human resources who are capable of responding practically to these demands, and who have specialized knowledge, communication skills and international mindedness to understand diverse values.


 Based on Kokushikan University’s “founding spirit,” the International Center promotes a variety of international exchange programs as part of realizing a “university that is open to society and to the world.” In particular, we have signed agreements with 53 universities and three institutions overseas, and are actively engaged in international exchange activities in the fields of education and research, through student exchange programs (outbound and inbound) and short-term study abroad programs, as well as through the “International University Exchange Seminar” held jointly with overseas universities, and researcher invitation programs. We also provide support to students from various angles by implementing numerous initiatives, including support for international students coming to Kokushikan University and for our local students who want to study at an overseas university, as well as exchange activities between international students and local students, and exchange activities designed to promote mutual understanding between international students and local community residents.


 The term “globalization” is often bandied about these days, but addressing globalization does not mean accommodating some global standards or even simply being able to converse in English. It is about having respect for the other country’s culture and history, having a strong sense of identity to your own country, and cooperating together with mutual understanding. It does not have to be difficult. You can start with something familiar, for example, international students and Japanese students sharing a meal in the student cafeteria or participating in club activities together. By doing so, my hope is that students can experience a fulfilling campus life, and later, can make contributions to people and society with the spirit of Japanese hospitality and with Kokushikan University’s four precepts of sincerity, industriousness, insight and spiritual strength.


  We welcome any overseas universities with an interest in Kokushikan University’s areas of research, as well as any students thinking of studying at Kokushikan University, and hope that you find the activities of our International Center informative.


 Thank you for your understanding and continued support and cooperation. We are excited to imagine our graduates becoming actively involved around the world.


March 2024

Toshio Otaka

Director, International Center
Dr.Eng, Professional Engineer Japan














国際交流センター 大髙敏男
